Bachelors Child & Youth Care (University of Victoria); Masters Social Work (University of Toronto);
Ashleigh began her career in child and youth Care while completing her degree in CYC at the University of Victoria. For the first few years she worked with at-risk youth in a community setting and enjoyed the spunky attitudes of the youth she had the privilege of working with. She also had the unique opportunity of working internationally in Guyana, working with children and families impacted by HIV/AIDS. This was an extremely challenging and rewarding experience, and she hopes to work internationally again someday. Ashleigh's career then took her to beautiful Campbell River where she was employed by MCFD in the Child Protection field. The next eight years of her life were in Child Protection in Campbell River and Toronto. While in Toronto, Ashleigh obtained her Masters in Social Work from the University of Toronto. She is now back on the island and loving being back in BC. Although Ashleigh is a full-time instructor, she still practices in the CYC field in her areas of passion: child protection, adoption, at risk youth, family support, and community prevention programs. She feels that this current front-line work impacts her teaching in a positive way and she looks forward to seeing you in one of her classes!