Nanaimo Campus, Building 180, Room 438
Phone: 250.740.6131, Local 6131
Bachelors in Child & Youth Care (University of Victoria); Masters Child & Youth Care (University of Victoria);
Teri has worked for over twenty years in the field of child and youth care, primarily with adolescents, as a front-line worker, program administrator and community development worker in the non-profit sector and in municipal government. Teri has a passion for activity-based child and youth care work, which is grounded in the many poignant experiences she has had with youth hiking, climbing, paddling and just ‘hanging around’ in nature. Teri has also had the opportunity to work extensively with communities as both a Community Programmer and Community Youth Development Worker for municipal social planning and recreation departments. Her interest in communities became a major focus for her graduate work, which culminated in her master’s thesis entitled Community-Level Interventions in Child and Youth Care Practice. Teri has been a national trainer for an international organization dedicated to cross cultural and peace education; has facilitated life skills workshops for youth and has taught for both recreation and child and youth care programs at the University of Victoria and Vancouver Island University. Teri brings her passion for communities and activity based work to the classroom where she strives to work with students to create a climate for learning through play, exploration, and active participation.