Andrew Hollenberg


MEd; BSc; DipDH; PID

Andrew has been a registered dental hygienist since 1991 with experience in a variety of private practice settings. Andrew joined Vancouver Island University on a full-time basis in 2008 and now acts as clinic lead for the senior class. As a professional, Andrew is involved with the College of Dental Hygienists of BC (CDHBC) as a clinical board examiner and QAP assessor; National Dental Hygiene Certification Board (NDHCB) as an item writer; Commission of Dental Accreditation of Canada (CDAC) as site surveyor, and the Canadian Foundation for Dental Hygiene Research and Education (CFDHRE) as a review committee member. Andrews’s academic interests are in the areas of oral pathology, advanced instrumentation, and prevention. Andrew follows an educational philosophy that focuses on the individualized development of intrinsic motivation and life-long learning.