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Ocean Kneeland


Certificate (Early Childhood Education), North Island College; BA (Child and Youth Care), University of Victoria; MEd (Early Childhood Education), University of British Columbia

Over the past twenty-five years, Ocean has worked in a variety of roles within the early years sector, including: early childhood educator, child care consultant, Strong Start facilitator, education assistant, administrator of a large campus-based child care centre, and executive director for a young parent program. Her research interests include nature-based play and learning, indigenous and multicultural ways of knowing, transformational leadership and collaborative practices. She is fluent in three languages (English, French and Spanish), and enjoys finding opportunities for cross-cultural learning. Ocean has been an Instructor since 2011 and is delighted to be teaching in the Early Childhood Education and Care program at VIU. She is also a parent of three amazing children, all of whom contribute to her ongoing interest and passion for building inclusive communities for living and learning.