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Rupi Rajwan


Diploma (Early Childhood Education, specializing in Special Needs), University of the Fraser Valley
BA (Child and Youth Care, specializing in Child Protection), University of the Fraser Valley
Master of Education (Specializing in Early Childhood Education), University of British Columbia


Rupi found her passion in Early Childhood Education in her early 20s.  Throughout the years, she worked in various capacities with children, youth, individuals and families.  A few of the positions she held were day camp supervisor, preschool teacher, educational assistant, CCRR (Child care resource and referral) consultant, social worker, owner/operator of a multi-age daycare and professor.  Currently, Rupi is an elected official as a School Trustee for the Abbotsford School District and Instructor at VIU (Vancouver Island University). 


She enjoys creating opportunities for students to learn, grow and be curious to expand their knowledge.  If she isn’t in the classroom, you will find her at a hockey rink with her kids or out for a walk, or on her scooter rain or shine!