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Summer Lin

Program Chair, Professor

Diploma (Early Childhood Education and Care), Vancouver Island University; BA (English Language and Literature), Soochow University – Taiwan; MEd (Educational Leadership), Vancouver Island University

Originally from Taiwan, Summer is fluent in English, Mandarin, and Taiwanese. Since 2010, she has been learning and sharing knowledge in the field of early childhood education (ECE) on Vancouver Island. After graduating from the ECEC diploma program at VIU, Summer has worked as a frontline early childhood educator, a facility manager, a practicum mentor as well as a childcare centre owner and operator. She places great value on the personal relationships she has developed over this time. Summer’s research interests focus on the betterment of early years public policy, the recruitment and retention of early childhood educators, and ECE leadership frameworks. Summer has been an instructor since 2019, and she believes in the power of personal connection in addition to the potential of all learners. Besides being a member on the VIU ECEC Degree Committee, Summer is also an executive of the ECEBC Nanaimo Branch and a Peer-Mentoring Project facilitator for the Nanaimo area.