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Linda McKay

Program Chair and Professor

Dip DH, BScD (Dental Hygiene), MSc.DPH

Linda McKay comes to the program at VIU with over 35 years of experience in dental hygiene. Having graduated from the UBC’s dental hygiene program in 1983, life unexpectedly took her to Toronto where completed a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene at the University of Toronto. Shortly thereafter she began teaching dental hygiene full time, focusing on community outreach and public health sciences. In 2013, she returned to complete an MSc in Dental Public Health at the Faculty of Dentistry at U of T.

With over 24 years of experience in dental hygiene education in Ontario, Linda joined our team in 2021 excited to return to her BC roots. In addition to clinical work and teaching, Linda has served on institutional research committees and REB panel, and participated in item writing for the NDHCB. Linda also played a key role in establishing a student-run outreach oral health clinic serving low-income uninsured adults in Toronto.

Linda’s personal, professional and research interests are in access to care and health systems. She believes that education can cultivate individual behaviors that ultimately serve to benefit all of society. Her teaching style attempts to create inclusive, student centered, participatory learning that encourages learners to explore various perspectives and strives to ignite the desire for life-long learning and community service.