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Field Education Evaluation Tools

Field education is an essential part of social work education, providing students with opportunities to apply and integrate theoretical knowledge within supervised practice settings. Through field education students develop skill competencies, engage in critical self-reflection, and evolve their professional values, interests and identity. Mentored and instructed by seasoned professionals in their area of expertise, students gain invaluable knowledge and experience and develop their professional networks. The success of the field education practicum is a cooperative effort dependent upon the investment of the student, community organization, and the VIU Bachelor of Social Work faculty and staff.

Documents pertaining to field education


Learning Contract/Evaluation

The Learning Contract is a tool that all students develop to guide their field education learning experience.

For both student and Field Education Instructor's convenience, please download and complete the Learning Contract/Evaluation for practicum that corresponds to the year of the student's placement.  Please email the completed form at least three days prior to the final (summative) evaluation meeting with the Faculty Field Liaison, agency Field Education Instructor, and the Student.

In addition, as part of our ongoing evaluation of the BSW Field Education placement process, we greatly value feedback from Field Education instructors.  A Field Education Instructor Survey will be emailed to you after practicum ends in order for you to communicate your feedback to us.

Inquires relating to these evaluation tools may be directed to:

Holly Bradley, Field Education Coordinator 